Tuesday, June 9, 2015

World War II Letters Home

    Many readers have expressed how great Uncle Felix's manuscript The Villa Verde Trail is. With the help of my sister we have added a new page sharing his letters home and family pictures.This presents a whole different side in how Felix kept the war and his war related challenges away from family. He also repeatedly mentions how import letters from home were to him. If you haven't read it, go back and read his manuscript The Villa Verde Trail first then go to World War II Letters Home for this hero's more personal side. You will never forget this reading experience.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

World War II Philippines

Felix Herrman 1946

    I'm honored to post my Uncle Felix Herrman's manuscript from 1975 on a page dedicated to his work. He notes his manuscript as, "An unaltered eyewitness account of one of many similar battles fought in the Second World War. This one in the Philippines, on the island of Luzon, in 1945." For his service he receive the Bronze Medal and other awards. The manuscript is posted in full as he wrote it with the exception of added some titles and pictures for reference. Please click for more.

Friday, May 15, 2015

New Page for Weber Family Stories

Frank and Elizabeth Weber
    Frank and Elizabeth Weber were my Great Grandparents on my mothers side, they came to the United States at age 16 and 14 on the same ship. It seemed they bonded a relationship on that journey that lead to marriage 9 years later and a very full and bountiful life. Their story and other Weber family stories will be presented on the Weber Family Story page. Please check it out.  

Monday, May 4, 2015

Immigration to the United States

SS Frisia

    Immigration to the United States for the Volga German families was a very difficult time. Please check out the link to a page dedicated to the time frame when the Basgall family immigrated to the states. For the Basgall's it was the families of 3 brothers that made the trip. However, two of the brothers had passed away in Russia before the families were underway. The family leadership would have came from the remaining brother John Basgall. Well; that's all I'm going to give you for now, so click this link to check it out, Immigration to the United States.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chapter 4 Jann Baptist Pasqual Legacy

Catherine the Great Palace
From Wikipedia
    Chapter 4 of the Jann Baptist Pasqual (Basgall) Legacy has been posted. Read the historic account of this grand story teller as he traveled from war torn Europe in 1793, after the 7 Years War. Learn how he and many other European decedents accepted Catherine the Great's offer to go to the Volga River area of Russia and start a new life. Learn what his trip would have been like as he traveled to this new land. Learn about his Russia maiden, that together formed the oldest generation of the Basgall Heritage. Click here for the John Baptist Pasqual Basgall Legacy link.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Uncle Felix Herrman – World War II Hero

Frances and Felix Herrman
From A Folder
Felix Put Together
    Uncle Felix Herrman was the younger brother to by mother Frances Herrman. Growing up I often heard the family talking about the troubles Felix was having with health issues, but never really understand what they were saying. They never came out and discussed it directly. At that time, no one talked about the affect war had on young men, it was considered taboo.
    It wasn't until several months after his death, when my sister shared a manuscript of his involvement in World War II, South Pacific, that I actually learned the events that shaped this quiet gentle man. Once I started reading, I was hooked and spent the night going through it. He was a combat harden war hero, at a very young age and not a word was every spoken about what he did for his country. 
    This is his story, just as he wrote it!